1-DAV-202 Data Management 2023/24
Previously 2-INF-185 Data Source Integration

Materials · Introduction · Rules · Contact
· Grades from marked homeworks are on the server in file /grades/userid.txt
· Please submit project proposals until Friday April 12. Topics from potential bachelor topic supervisors can be found in /tasks/temy.txt (in Slovak).
· Due to Student Research Conference, Javascript and Bioinf3 homeworks are due on April 25, 9:00am.


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General goal: Extend the user pages from the previous lecture with simple visualizations.

Submit your source code to /submit/javascript/username/. Also do not forget to submit the database (even if it is the database from us).

Task A

Display a calendar, which shows during which days was the user active. Use calendar from Google Charts.

Task B

Show a histogram of comment lengths. Use histogram from Google Charts.

Task C

Either: Show a word tree for a user using word tree from Google Charts. Try to normalize the text before building the tree (convert to lowercase, remove accents). CountVectorizer has build_analyzer method, which returns a function, which does this for you.

Or: Pick some other appropriate visualization from the gallery, feed it with data a show it. Also add some description to it.