1-BIN-301, 2-AIN-501 Methods in Bioinformatics

Website moved to https://fmfi-compbio.github.io/mbi/

Discussion: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
<!-- {{Facebook}}-->
Tento semester budeme používať na diskusie a oznamy skupinu na Facebooku. Cieľom je, aby ste získali čo najrýchlejšie odpovede na svoje otázky nielen od prednášajúceho, ale prípadne aj od svojich spolužiakov. Dodržiavajte prosím nasledujúce pravidlá:
* Všetky otázky, ktoré položíte v tejto skupine sú verejne zobrazované. Otázky ohľadom konkrétnych riešení domácich úloh na toto fórum nepatria! V žiadnom prípade nezverejňujte svoje čiastkové riešenia.
We will use MS teams system for course discussion and announcements<!-- , within course team "2021 1-BIN-301 Methods in Bioinformatics". -->
* Oznamy budeme takisto zverejňovať pomocou tohto systému. Je vašou povinnosťou ich sledovať.  
Skupinu nájdete na linke https://www.facebook.com/groups/fmfimbi/
The goal of online discussions is to get fast answers to your questions not only from instructors but also from your classmates. Please follow these rules:
* Outside of lectures and tutorials, write your questions to "General channel"
* Posts in this channel are shown to all students. Do not post there questions regarding your homework or quiz answers. Never publish your answers or their parts.
* You are required to follow class announcements posted to this channel.

Aktuálna revízia z 11:03, 21. september 2022

We will use MS teams system for course discussion and announcements

The goal of online discussions is to get fast answers to your questions not only from instructors but also from your classmates. Please follow these rules:

  • Outside of lectures and tutorials, write your questions to "General channel"
  • Posts in this channel are shown to all students. Do not post there questions regarding your homework or quiz answers. Never publish your answers or their parts.
  • You are required to follow class announcements posted to this channel.