1-BIN-301, 2-AIN-501 Methods in Bioinformatics

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(Journal club)
(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
* Course 1-BIN-301 is for computer-science related programs, namely BIN, INF, mINF, mAIN, DAV (shortly denoted computer science)
* Course 2-AIN-501 is for students from Faculty of Natural Sciences and physics (shortly biology)
Riadok 5: Riadok 11:
* Journal club 10%
* Journal club 10%
* Quizzes 10% (each week 1%)
* Quizzes 10% (each week 1%)
* Final exam 50%
* For computer science: final exam 50%
* For biology: project 50%
To pass the course, you need to satisfy both requirements below (otherwise Fx grade will be assigned):
To pass the course, you need to satisfy both requirements below (otherwise Fx grade will be assigned):
* overall at least 50% of points
* overall at least 50% of points
* at least 50% of points from the final exam
* computer science: at least 50% of points from the final exam
* biology: active participation at tutorials
Final grade: A: 90+, B: 80+, C: 70+, D: 60+, E: 50+
Final grade: A: 90+, B: 80+, C: 70+, D: 60+, E: 50+
Homeworks and exams may contain separate versions of some questions, one for computer science students (namely, BIN, INF, mINF, mAIN students) and one for biologists (more precisely, students for Faculty of Natural Sciences and physics students).
Homeworks may contain separate versions of some questions, one for computer science students and one for biologists.
==Journal club==
==Journal club==
Riadok 21: Riadok 29:
* Each student will select from the provided list the three articles that are of highest interest to him/her.
* Each student will select from the provided list the three articles that are of highest interest to him/her.
* According to these preferences, instructors will divide the students into groups. Each group will read a different article.
* According to these preferences, instructors will divide the students into groups. Each group will read a different article.
* We will create a group for each paper in Moodle which can be used for any discussions.
* Each student first reads the assigned article individually.
* Each student first reads the assigned article individually.
* Then the whole group meets, discusses the article and tries to clarify any questions or to find missing information in the literature.
* Then the whole group meets, discusses the article and tries to clarify any questions or to find missing information in the literature.
Riadok 28: Riadok 37:
Details for the journal club group meeting
Details for the journal club group meeting
* Remember that everyone should read the article before the first meeting
* Remember that everyone should read the article before the first meeting
* The first meeting should take place no later than November 23. The meeting can be online or in person. Online meetings should be on MS Teams, in person meetings should be at FMFI or PriFUK. Try to choose a time suitable for all members of the group. We will create a channel for each group on MS Teams which can be used for any discussions and for the meeting itself.
* The first meeting should take place no later than November 22. The meeting can be online (e,g, in MS Teams) or in person. Try to choose a time suitable for all members of the group.  
* Post the chosen time and place of the first meeting on MS Teams General channel no later than 1 day before the meeting.
* At least 24 hours before the first group meeting, post its date, time and location to the Journal club discussion forum in Moodle
* After the first meeting, one representative of the group will send a short message to B.Brejová stating who attended the meeting, who apologized and who did not respond to the group and what was the outcome of the meeting - whether the group had problems with some parts of the article, whether it plans to meet again, whether they need a consultation with the instructors, etc. You do not need to report subsequent meetings, unless you need help.  
* After the first meeting, one representative of the group will post a short summary to the Journal club discussion forum in Moodle stating who attended the meeting, who apologized and who did not respond to the group and what was the outcome of the meeting - whether the group had problems with some parts of the article, whether it plans to meet again, whether they need a consultation with the instructors, etc. You do not need to report subsequent meetings, unless you need help.  
* Failure to hold the first meeting according to these rules may affect the grade of the final report.
* Failure to hold the first meeting according to these rules may affect the grade of the final report.
Advice and instructions for the written report from the journal club
Advice and instructions for the written report from the journal club
Riadok 41: Riadok 51:
* The report should list the members of the group who have actively participated in its work. Students who are not on this list will receive zero points for the report.
* The report should list the members of the group who have actively participated in its work. Students who are not on this list will receive zero points for the report.
The exam is primarily in a written form and takes 2-3 hours. The content will be specified later. You can bring a cheat sheet - 2 pages of A4 paper with arbitrary content (handwritten or printed).
If you do not pass the exam during the first, regular date, the second and third attempt may involve an oral part in addition to written part.
If circumstances force us to do the exam online, it will be also followed by an oral exam to verify that you understand the course material tested in the written exam.
Skúška je písomná v trvaní 2-3 hodiny. Obsah upresníme neskôr. Na skúšku si môžete priniesť "ťahák" - 2 listy A4 popísaných čímkoľvek, čo uznáte za vhodné.
* Project topic will be chosen during the semester by November 3.  
* We recommend starting working on the project during the semester and consult any questions during tutorials for biologists.
* The final report will be due during the exam period, followed by a short personal meeting with discussion of the project.
* Further details on [[Project|separate page]].
==Academic integrity==
Odpisovanie domácich úloh a opisovanie na skúškach je vážnym porušením akademickej integrity.
Cheating and plagiarism on homeworks and exams is a serious violation of academic integrity.  
Odpisovanie domácich úloh zahŕňa opísanie práce inej osoby (napr. od spolužiaka, z internetu, alebo z odbornej literatúry) a jej odovzdanie pod vlastným menom, umožnenie inej osobe opísať vlastné riešenia, ale aj spoluprácu pri riešení nad rámec povolený prednášajúcimi predmetu. Opisovanie na skúške zahŕňa použitie nepovolených pomôcok, ale aj nepovolenú komunikáciu s inými osobami počas skúšky.
On homeworks, you are '''not allowed''' to copy other person's work (eg from a classmate, from the Internet including AI chatbots, or from scientific literature) and submit it as your own. You are also not allowed to let another person to copy your solution. We allow and encourage discussion among students about individual homework tasks. However, the solutions you submit must be your own work written in your own words. To avoid unnecessary problems, do not take notes during group discussions about homework and wait at least three hours after such a discussion before writing the solution to be submitted.
V správe zo journal clubu musíte citovať všetku použitú literatúru. Zapíšte získané poznatky vlastnými slovami. Nekopírujte z literatúry a iných zdrojov celé vety (výnimkou môžu byť len krátke priame citáty s uvedením zdroja). Obrázky vytvorte vlastné alebo pri prevzatých obrázkoch uveďte zdroj, z ktorého pochádzajú.
During exams, do not use unauthorized aids and do not communicate with persons other than the instructors.
Pri zistení odpisovania budeme štandardne prideľovať známku -100% za príslušnú časť práce, s minimálnym znížením výslednej známky o jeden stupeň; v prípade opisovania na skúške automatická strata termínu a zníženie výslednej známky o dva stupne. Obzvlášť hrubé porušenia akademickej integrity budú postúpené na riešenie dekanovi fakulty.
In the report from the journal club, you must cite all used literature. Express the knowledge you have gained on the topic in your own words. Do not copy or mechanically translate entire sentences from the paper and other sources (except for short direct quotes indicating the source). Create your own images or specify the source of the downloaded images used in the report. Similarly for project reports.
U domácich úloh povoľujeme a podporujeme diskusiu medzi študentami o jednotlivých príkladoch. Riešenia ktoré odovzdáte, však musia byť vašou vlastnou prácou napísanou vašimi vlastnými slovami. Aby ste sa vyhli zbytočným problémom, nerobte si pri skupinových diskusiách o domácich úlohách poznámky a so spisovaním materiálu určeného na odovzdanie počkajte aspoň tri hodiny po takejto diskusii.
When cheating or plagiarism is detected, we will normally assign a grade of 0 for the relevant part of the work, with a minimum reduction of the final grade by one letter. Cheating on the exam will result in the FX grade for the exam. Particularly serious violations of academic integrity will be referred to the dean of the faculty.

Aktuálna revízia z 14:51, 25. september 2024