 author={Grace X. Y. Zheng and  Billy T. Lau and  Michael Schnall-Levin and  Mirna Jarosz and  John M. Bell and  Christopher M. Hindson and  Sofia Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou and  Donald A. Masquelier and  Landon Merrill and  Jessica M. Terry and  Patrice A. Mudivarti and  Paul W. Wyatt and  Rajiv Bharadwaj and  Anthony J. Makarewicz and  Yuan Li and  Phillip Belgrader and  Andrew D. Price and  Adam J. Lowe and  Patrick Marks and  Gerard M. Vurens and  Paul Hardenbol and  Luz Montesclaros and  Melissa Luo and  Lawrence Greenfield and  Alexander Wong and  David E. Birch and  Steven W. Short and  Keith P. Bjornson and  Pranav Patel and  Erik S. Hopmans and  Christina Wood and  Sukhvinder Kaur and  Glenn K. Lockwood and  David Stafford and  Joshua P. Delaney and  Indira Wu and  Heather S. Ordonez and  Susan M. Grimes and  Stephanie Greer and  Josephine Y. Lee and  Kamila Belhocine and  Kristina M. Giorda and  William H. Heaton and  Geoffrey P. McDermott and  Zachary W. Bent and  Francesca Meschi and  Nikola O. Kondov and  Ryan Wilson and  Jorge A. Bernate and  Shawn Gauby and  Alex Kindwall and  Clara Bermejo and  Adrian N. Fehr and  Adrian Chan and  Serge Saxonov and  Kevin D. Ness and  Benjamin J. Hindson and  Hanlee P. Ji},
 title={{Haplotyping germline and cancer genomes with high-throughput linked-read sequencing}},
 journal={Nature biotechnology},