Brona Brejova, Stefan Dobrev, Rastislav Kralovic, Tomas Vinar. Routing in Carrier-Based Mobile Networks. In A. Kosowski and M. Yamashita, ed., Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), 6796 volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 222-233, 2011. Springer.

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The past years have seen an intense research effort directed at study
of delay/disruption tolerant networks and related concepts
(intermittently connected networks, opportunistic mobility
networks). As a fundamental primitive, routing in such networks has
been one of the research foci. While multiple network models have been
proposed and routing in them investigated, most of the published
results are of heuristic nature with experimental validation;
analytical results are scarce and apply mostly to networks whose
structure follows deterministic schedule.  In this paper, we propose a
simple model of opportunistic mobility network based on oblivious
carriers, and investigate the routing problem in such networks. We
present an optimal online routing algorithm and compare it with a
simple shortest-path inspired routing and the optimal offline
routing. In doing so, we identify the key parameters (the minimum
non-zero probability of meeting among the carrier pairs, and the
number of carriers a given carrier comes into contact) driving the
separation among these algorithms.

Last update: 08/05/2011