1-BIN-301, 2-AIN-501 Methods in Bioinformatics

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Journal club papers: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 5: Riadok 5:
# Lemey P, Hong S, Hill V, Baele G, Poletto C, Colizza V, O'Toole A, McCrone JT, Andersen KG, Worobey M, Nelson MI. Accommodating individual travel history, global mobility, and unsampled diversity in phylogeography: a SARS-CoV-2 case study. bioRxiv. 2020 Jun 23 [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2020/06/23/2020.06.22.165464.full.pdf]  
# Lemey P, Hong S, Hill V, Baele G, Poletto C, Colizza V, O'Toole A, McCrone JT, Andersen KG, Worobey M, Nelson MI. Accommodating individual travel history, global mobility, and unsampled diversity in phylogeography: a SARS-CoV-2 case study. bioRxiv. 2020 Jun 23 [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2020/06/23/2020.06.22.165464.full.pdf]  
# Quick J, Grubaugh ND, Pullan ST, Claro IM, Smith AD, Gangavarapu K, Oliveira G, Robles-Sikisaka R, Rogers TF, Beutler NA, Burton DR. Multiplex PCR method for MinION and Illumina sequencing of Zika and other virus genomes directly from clinical samples. Nature protocols. 2017 Jun;12(6):1261. [https://www.nature.com/articles/nprot.2017.066] alebo [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5902022/]
# Quick J, Grubaugh ND, Pullan ST, Claro IM, Smith AD, Gangavarapu K, Oliveira G, Robles-Sikisaka R, Rogers TF, Beutler NA, Burton DR. Multiplex PCR method for MinION and Illumina sequencing of Zika and other virus genomes directly from clinical samples. Nature protocols. 2017 Jun;12(6):1261. [https://www.nature.com/articles/nprot.2017.066] alebo [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5902022/] (aplikácia na SARS-CoV-2 [https://artic.network/ncov-2019])
# Wahba L, Jain N, Fire AZ, Shoura MJ, Artiles KL, McCoy MJ, Jeong DE. Identification of a pangolin niche for a 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus through an extensive meta-metagenomic search. BioRxiv. 2020 Feb 14. [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.08.939660v2]
# Wahba L, Jain N, Fire AZ, Shoura MJ, Artiles KL, McCoy MJ, Jeong DE. Identification of a pangolin niche for a 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus through an extensive meta-metagenomic search. BioRxiv. 2020 Feb 14. [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.08.939660v2]
# Garvin MR, Alvarez C, Miller JI, Prates ET, Walker AM, Amos BK, Mast AE, Justice A, Aronow B, Jacobson D. A mechanistic model and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 involving a RAS-mediated bradykinin storm. Elife. 2020 Jul 7;9:e59177. [https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.59177]
# Garvin MR, Alvarez C, Miller JI, Prates ET, Walker AM, Amos BK, Mast AE, Justice A, Aronow B, Jacobson D. A mechanistic model and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 involving a RAS-mediated bradykinin storm. Elife. 2020 Jul 7;9:e59177. [https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.59177]
# Korber, B., Fischer, W.M., Gnanakaran, S., Yoon, H., Theiler, J., Abfalterer, W., Hengartner, N., Giorgi, E.E., Bhattacharya, T., Foley, B. and Hastie, K.M., 2020. Tracking changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: evidence that D614G increases infectivity of the COVID-19 virus. Cell. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420308205]
# Korber, B., Fischer, W.M., Gnanakaran, S., Yoon, H., Theiler, J., Abfalterer, W., Hengartner, N., Giorgi, E.E., Bhattacharya, T., Foley, B. and Hastie, K.M., 2020. Tracking changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: evidence that D614G increases infectivity of the COVID-19 virus. Cell. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420308205]

Verzia zo dňa a času 13:09, 15. október 2020

Svoje preferencie ohľadom článkov na journal club odovzdajte pomocou tohto formulára najneskôr do utorka 27.10.2020, 22:00. Vo formulári uveďte čísla troch článkov z tohto zoznamu v poradí podľa preferencie.

Detaily ohľadom požiadavok na journal club nájdete v pravidlách predmetu.

  1. Lemey P, Hong S, Hill V, Baele G, Poletto C, Colizza V, O'Toole A, McCrone JT, Andersen KG, Worobey M, Nelson MI. Accommodating individual travel history, global mobility, and unsampled diversity in phylogeography: a SARS-CoV-2 case study. bioRxiv. 2020 Jun 23 [1]
  2. Quick J, Grubaugh ND, Pullan ST, Claro IM, Smith AD, Gangavarapu K, Oliveira G, Robles-Sikisaka R, Rogers TF, Beutler NA, Burton DR. Multiplex PCR method for MinION and Illumina sequencing of Zika and other virus genomes directly from clinical samples. Nature protocols. 2017 Jun;12(6):1261. [2] alebo [3] (aplikácia na SARS-CoV-2 [4])
  3. Wahba L, Jain N, Fire AZ, Shoura MJ, Artiles KL, McCoy MJ, Jeong DE. Identification of a pangolin niche for a 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus through an extensive meta-metagenomic search. BioRxiv. 2020 Feb 14. [5]
  4. Garvin MR, Alvarez C, Miller JI, Prates ET, Walker AM, Amos BK, Mast AE, Justice A, Aronow B, Jacobson D. A mechanistic model and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 involving a RAS-mediated bradykinin storm. Elife. 2020 Jul 7;9:e59177. [6]
  5. Korber, B., Fischer, W.M., Gnanakaran, S., Yoon, H., Theiler, J., Abfalterer, W., Hengartner, N., Giorgi, E.E., Bhattacharya, T., Foley, B. and Hastie, K.M., 2020. Tracking changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: evidence that D614G increases infectivity of the COVID-19 virus. Cell. [7]