2-INF-150: Strojové učenie / Machine Learning
Fall 2023

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This page shows preliminary schedule of classes and servers as a repository of materials relevant to class. The schedule will be update regularly after lectures.

Recommended literature:

In the schedule, we list the chapters most relevant to the material covered in class. Presentation of the material in lectures usually differs from the books. The book chapters should serve mainly as an additional materials for self study.

Additional materials:

Week 18.-22.9.2023
Administration. Introduction.
Supervised learning / regression. Linear regression and it's variants.
Literature: GBC:2.1-2.4 or B:C; GBC:5.1 or B:3.1 or HTF:3.1-3.2
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
video intro:linka ]
video regression:linka ]
slides 1:PDF, 275 Kb ]
slides 2:PDF, 342 Kb ]
stanford (chapters 1, 2, 4):linka ]

Week 25.9.-29.9.2022
Theory of learning, overfit, underfit, bias variance.
Tutorials 1: TBD
Literature: GBC:4.3,5.9; B:3.1; Tutorials 1: collabora/jupyter notebooks, numpy
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
Tutorials 1: numpy:linka ]
Learning theory notes:PDF, 362 Kb ]
video lecture:linka ]
stanford (chapter 4):linka ]
stanford (chapter 1):linka ]

Week 2.-6.10.2023
Theory of learning cont. Regularization.
Tutorials 2: regression
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
lecture:linka ]
Tutorials 2: Regression:linka ]
stanford (chapter 1):linka ]

Week 9.-13.10.2023
Classification. Logistic regression, softmax (maximum entropy) classifier. Neural networks.
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
lecture:linka ]
stanford (chapter 3, 5 and 9.3):linka ]

Week 16.-20.10.2022
Tutorials 3: neural networks
Support vector machines.
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
Tutorials 3: neural networks:linka ]
lecture:linka ]

Week 23.-27.10.2023
Support vector machines (continued). Kernel trick. How to handle inseparable data.
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
lecture1:linka ]
lecture2:linka ]
SVM Stanford:linka ]

Week 31.10.-3.11.2023
Decision trees.
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
lecture:linka ]
Decision Trees:linka ]
Decision Trees 2:linka ]

Week 6.-10.11.2023
bagging and boosting.
Theory of ML (PAC learning). Estimating needed number of training samples and expected test error for finite hyphothesis set. Estimation for infinite set of hyphotheses. VC dimension. PAC learning and SVM.
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
lecture:linka ]
PAC learning rectangle game:linka ]
PAC learing, VC dimension (until 50 minute):linka ]
gradient boosting:linka ]
PAC learning rectangle game:linka ]
PAC learing, VC dimension (until 50 minute):linka ]

Week 13.-17.11.2023
Practical tips for ML.
Tutorials 4: trees and SVMs
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
Tutorials 4: trees and SVMs:linka ]

Week 20.11-24.11.2023
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Clustering (k-means, k-medoids, hierarchical clustering)
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
Video lecture PCA:linka ]
Clustering slides:PDF, 185 Kb ]
Clustering lecture (from minute 50):linka ]
PCA:PDF, 567 Kb ]

Week 27.11-1.12.2023
Reinforcement learning
Tutorials 5: PCA
Slides and notes:Supporting materials:
Reinforcement learning notes (contain more links at the end):linka ]
Tutorials 5: PCA:linka ]

Week 4-8.12.2023
History of Large Language Models.

Week 11-15.12.2023
How to build an ML product.
Final tutorial.

Maintained by 2-INF-150 personnel