1-DAV-202 Data Management 2023/24
Previously 2-INF-185 Data Source Integration
Genomika: Rozvojové projekty
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MalGlo group
User trackDb, code management
- Think how to better manage changes to browser code in the future instances of the course
- Explore possibilities of each user having their own trackDb
- Start by reading short info in /kentsrc/trackDb/makefile on genomika server
# Browser supports multiple trackDb's so that individual developers # can change things rapidly without stepping on other people's toes. ...
- Write a manual how to do your suggested changes and test it
- Rfam http://rfam.xfam.org/ is a database of families of non-coding RNAs
- It contains a covariance model for each family
- The database can be downloaded and searched against a genome using Infernal tool http://eddylab.org/infernal/
- Do this search, then convert the output to appropriate format and display in the browser
- Possibly use BEDdetail format https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1.7
- After clicking on an Rfam match, there should be some display of additional information about the match and a link to the Rfam database. You can achieve this by the following lines in trackDb.ra:
type bedDetail 14 url http://rfam.xfam.org/family/$$ urlLabel Rfam:
Example of BEDdetail format for a Rfam match (items should be tab-separated, the last column starts at "truncated:")
chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand thickStart thickEnd reserved blockCount blockSizes chromStarts id description contigA 75109 75380 Fungi_SRP-1 1002 - 75109 75109 0 1 271 0 RF01502 truncated: no, E-value: 3.5e-19
- Further things which you might want to explore:
- Remove matches that correspond to tRNAScan-SE matches
- From several overlapping matches keep only the strongest
- Explore creating image of each RNA structure and somehow linking it to the info page for the match (as in non-coding RNA track in the human genome browser - go to chr1:16520585-16520658
Information for users
- Each track should provide basic information for users in the HTML document displayed after clicking on track name or left bar of the browser image.
- The information should summarize what is displayed, what was source of the data, what program was used to produce the results etc, but