1-DAV-202 Data Management 2024/25

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See also the lecture

Deadline: 20th May 2024 9:00

For both tasks, submit your source code and the result, when run on whole dataset (gs://fmph-mad-2024-public/). The code is expected to use the Apache beam framework and Dataflow presented in the lecture. Submit directory is /submit/cloud/

Task A for bonus points

Document (with screenshots) your login journey until step `gsutil mb`.

Task B

Count the number of occurrences of each 4-mer in the provided data.

Provided data are in Fastq format. They contain reads from some genomic sequencing. By a read we mean part of some DNA. In Fastq format each read is on 4 lines. The first line starts with @ and contains the read name. The second line contains the actual read (this is the important part for you). The third line contains + and the read name again. The fourth line contains a quality score for each base (you should ignore this).

By k-mer we mean any consecutive substring in a read. For example, in a read "ACGGCTA" the 4-mers are: "ACGG", "CGGC", "GGCT", "GCTA".

Task C

Count the number of pairs of reads that overlap in exactly 30 bases (the end of one read overlaps the beginning of the second read). For bioinformaticians: You can ignore the reverse complement.

One more clarification: If you have two reads (and say we are counting 4 base overlaps): AAAAxxxxxCCCC and CCCCxxxxxAAAA, this counts as two overlaps.


  • Try counting pairs for each 30-mer first.
  • You can yield something structured from Map/ParDo operatation (e.g. tuple).
  • You can have another Map/ParDo after CombinePerKey.
  • Run code locally on small data to quickly iterate and test :)