Vybrané partie z dátových štruktúr
2-INF-237, LS 2016/17

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Táto stránka sa týka školského roku 2016/17. V školskom roku 2017/18 predmet vyučuje Jakub Kováč, stránku predmetu je https://people.ksp.sk/~kuko/ds

Perzistentné dátové štruktúry

Revízia z 13:23, 27. február 2017; Brona (Diskusia | príspevky)

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Prejsť na: navigácia, hľadanie


Persistent data structures

  • keep old versions of the data structure
  • partial persistence: update only current version, query any old version, linearly ordered versions
  • full persistence: update any version, versions form a tree
  • confluent persistence: combine versions together, versions form a DAG
  • fully functional: never modify nodes, only create new
  • backtracking: query and update only current version, revert to an older version
  • retroactive: insert updates to the past, delete past updates, query at any past time relative to current set of updates

Pointer machine

  • model of computation, without arrays
  • constant-size nodes, holding data (numbers, characters, etc) and pointers to other nodes
  • pointers can be assigned: address of a newly created node, copy of another pointer, null
  • no pointer arithmetic
  • root node with all global variables, all variable names in the program of the form root.current.left.x