Vybrané partie z dátových štruktúr
2-INF-237, LS 2016/17
Úsporné dátové štruktúry
[skryť]Rank and select
Introduction to rank/select
Our goal is to represent a static set , let m = |A|
Two natural representations:
- sorted array of elements of A
- bit vector of length n
Array Bit vector Memory in bits m log n n Is x in A? O(log m) O(1) rank(x)>rank(x-1) max. y in A s.t. y<=x O(log m) O(n) select(rank(x)) i-th smallest element of A O(1) O(n) select(i) how many elements of A are <=x O(log m) O(n) rank(x)
If m relatively large, e.g. , bit array uses less memory
To get rank in O(1)
- trivial solution: keep rank(x) for each
, n log n bits
- we will show that the bit vector of size n and o(n) additional bits are sufficient
- a simple practical solution for space reduction:
- choose value t
- array R of length n/t, R[i] = rank(i*t)
- rank(x) = R[floor(x/t)]+number of 1 bits in A[t*floor(x/t)+1..x]
- memory n + (n/t)*lg(n) bits, time O(t)
- O(1) solution based on this idea, slightly more complex details
To get select in O(1)
- trivial solution is sorted array (see above)
- can be done in n+o(n) bits, more complex than rank
- practical compromise: binary search using log n calls of rank
- overview na slajde
- rank = rank of super-block + rank of block within superblock + rank of position within block
- block and superblock: integer division (or shifts of sizes power of 2)
- time O(1), memory n + O(n log log n / log n) bits
data structures:
- R1: Array of ranks at superblock boundaries
- R2: Array of ranks at block boundaries within superblocks
- R3: precomputed table of ranks for each type of block and each position within block of size t2
- B: bit array
- superblock = i/t1 (integer division)
- block = i/t2
- index = block*t2;
- type = B[index..index+t2-1]
- return R1[superblock]+R2[block]+R3[type, i%t2]
- let t1 = lg n lglg n
- store select(t1 * i) for each i = 0..n/t1 memory O(n / t1 * lg n) = O(n/ lg lg n)
- divides bit vector into super-blocks of unequal size
- consider one such block of size r. Distinguish between small super-block of size r<t1^2 and big super-block of size >= t1^2
- large super-block: store array of indices of 1 bits
- at most n/(t1 ^2) large super-blocks, each has t1 1 bits, each 1 bit needs lg n bits, overall O(n/lg lg n) bits
- small super-block:
- repeat the same with t2 = (lg lg n)^2
- store select(t2*i) within super-block for each i = 0..n/t2 memory O(n/t2 * lg lg n) = O(n/lg lg n)
- divides super-block into blocks, split blocks into small (size less than t2^2) and large
- for large blocks store relative indices of 1 bits: n/(t2 ^2) large blocks, each has t2 1 bits, each 1 bit needs lg t1^2 = O(lg lg n) bits, overall O(n/log log n)
- for small blocks of size at most t2^2, store as (t2^2)-bit integer, lookup table of all answers. Size of table is O(2^(t2^2) * t2 * log(t1)); t2^2 < (1/2) log n for large enough n, so 2^(t2^2) is O(sqrt(n)), the rest is polylog
Wavelet tree: Rank over larger alphabets
- look at rank as a string operation over binary string B: count the number 1's in a prefix B[0..i]
- denote it more explicitly as rank_1(i)
- note: we can compute rank_0(i) as i+1-rank_1(i)
- instead of a binary string consider string S over a larger alphabet of size sigma
- rank_a(i): the number of occurrences of character a in a prefix S[0..i] of string S
- OPT is n lg sigma
- Use rank on binary strings as follows:
- rozdelime abecedu na dve casti Sigma_0 a Sigma_1
- Vytvorime bin. retazec B dlzky n: B[i]=j iff S[i] je v Sigma_j
- Predspracujeme B pre rank
- Vytvorime retazce S_0 a S_1, kde S_j obsahuje pismena z S, ktore su v Sigma_j, sucet dlzok je n
- Rekurzivne pokracujeme v deleni abecedy a retazcov, az kym nedostaneme abecedy velkosti 2, kde pouzijeme binarny rank
- rank_a(i) v tejto strukture:
- ak a in Sigma_j, i_2=rank_j(i) v retazci B
- pokracuj rekurzivne s vypoctom rank_a(i_2) v lavom alebo pravom podstrome
- Velkost: binarne retazce n log_2 sigma + struktury pre rank nad bin. retazcami (mozem skonkatenovat na kazdej urovni a dostat o(n log sigma) + O(sigma lg n) pre strom ako taky
- cas O(log sigma), robim jeden rank na kazdej urovni
- extrahovanie S[i] tiez v case O(log sigma)
- samotny retazec S teda nemusim ukladat
- nech j = B[i], i_2 = rank_j(i) v retazci B
- pokracuj rekurzivne s hladanim S_j[i2]
- original paper: Grossi, Gupta and Vitter 2003 High-order entropy-compressed text indexes
- survey G. Navarro, Wavelet Trees for All, Proceedings of 23rd Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), 2012
- http://alexbowe.com/wavelet-trees/
Rank in compressed string: RRR
- Raman, Raman, Rao, from their 2002 paper Succinct indexable dictionaries with applications to encoding k-ary trees and multisets
- http://alexbowe.com/rrr/
class of a block: number of 1s
- R1: Array of ranks at superblock boundaries
- R2: Array of ranks at block boundaries within superblocks
- R3: precomputed table of ranks for each class, each signature within class and each position within block of size t2
- S1: Array of superblock starts in compressed bit array
- S2: Array of block offsets in compressed bit array
- C: class (the number of 1s) in each block
- L: size of signature for each class (ceil lg (t2 choose class))
- B: compressed bit array (concatenated signatures pf blocks)
- superblock = i/t1 (integer division)
- block = i/t2
- index = S1[superblock]+S2[block]
- class = C[block]
- length = L[class]
- signature = B[index..index+length-1]
- return R1[superblock]+R2[block]+R3[class, signature, i%t2]
Analysis of RRR:
- Let S be a string in which a occurs n_a times
- Its entropy is H(S) = sum_a \frac{n_a}{n} \log \frac{n}{n_a}
- let x_i be the number of 1s in block i, let n_1 be the overall number of 1s, i.e.
(choice of x_i in each block is subset of choice of n_1 overall)
(linear terms cancel out, n\ln(n) divided into two parts: n_0\ln(n) and n_1\ln(n))
Use in wavelet tree (see Navarro survey of wavelet trees):
- top level n0 zeroes, n1 ones, level 1: n00, n01, n10, n11
- top level entropy encoding uses n0 lg(n/n0) + n1 lg(n/n1) bits
- next level uses n00 lg(n0/n00) + n01 lg(n0/n01) + n10 lg(n1/n10) + n11 lg(n1/n11)
- add together n00 lg(n/n00) + n01 lg(n/n01) + n10 lg(n/n10) + n11 lg(n/n11)
- continue like this until you get sum_c n_c lg(n/n_c) which is nH(T)
Instead of wavelet tree, store indicator vector for each character from alphabet in RRR string
- the first terms in the sum equal to n H(T), the last terms sum to
, middle terms can be bound by O(n)
- We have used inequality ln(1+x)<=x for x>=-1
- Then
Binarny strom
- pridame pomocne listy tak, aby kazdy povodny vrchol bol vnut vrchol s 2 detmi
- ak sme mali n vrcholov, teraz mame n vnut. vrcholov a n+1 listov, t.j. 2n+1 vrcholov
- ocislujeme ich v level-order (prehladavanie do sirky) cislami 1..2n+1
- vrchol je reprezentovany tymto cislom
- datova struktura: bitovy vektor dlzky 2n+1, ktory ma na pozicii i 1 prave vtedy ak vrchol i je vnutorny vrchol
- nad tymto vektorom vybudujeme rank/select struktury v o(n) pridavnej pamati
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A B C D E . F . . G H . . . . . .
Lemma: Pre i-ty vnutorny vrchol (i-ta jednotka vo vektore, na pozicii select(i)) su jeho deti na poziciach 2i a 2i+1
- indukcia na i
- pre i=1 (koren) ma deti na poziciach 2 a 3
- deti i-teho vnutorneho vrcholu su v poradi hned po detoch (i-1)-veho
- dva pripady podla toho, ci (i-1)-vy a i-ty su na tej istej alebo roznych urvniach, ale v oboch pripadoch medzi nimi len pomocne listy a teda medzi ich detmi nic (obrazok)
- kedze deti (i-1)-veho su na poziciach podla IH 2i-2 a 2i-1, deti i-teho budu na 2i a 2i+1.
- left_child(i) = 2 rank(i)
- right_child(i) = 2 rank(i)+1
- parent(i) = select(floor(i/2))
Ak chceme pouzit ako lexikograficky strom nad binarnou abecedou: potrebujeme zistit, ci vnut. vrchol zodpoveda slovu v mnozine
- jednoduchu fix s n dalsimi bitmi: z cisla vrchola 1..2n+1 zistime rankom cislo vnut vrchola 0..n-1 a pre kazde si pamatame bit, ci je to slovo z mnoziny
- da sa asi aj lepsie
Catalanove cisla
Ekvivalentne problemy:
- kolko je binarnych stromov s n vrcholmi?
- kolko je usporiadanych zakorenenych stromov s n+1 vrcholmi?
- kolko je dobre uzatvorkovanych vyrazov z n parov zatvoriek?
- kolko je postupnosti, ktore obsahuju n krat +1 a n krat -1 a pre ktore su vsetky prefixove sucty nezaporne?
Chceme dokazat, ze odpoved je Catalanovo cislo <tex>C_n = {2n\choose n}/(n+1)</tex> (C_0 = 1, C_1=1, C_2 = 2, C_3 = 5,...)
- Rekurencia <tex>T(n) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} T(i)T(n-i-1)</tex> (nech najlavejsia zatvorka obsahuje vo vnutri i parov), riesime metodami kombinatorickej analyzy (generujuce funkcie)
- Iny dokaz [1]
- Nech X(n,m,k) je mnozina vsetkych postupnosti dlzky n+m obsahujucich n +1, m -1 a takych ze kazdy prefixovy sucet je aspon k.
- my chceme |X(n,n,0)|
- nech Y = X(n,n,-infty)-X(n,n,0), t.j. vsetky zle postupnsti
- najdeme bijekciu medzi Y a X(n-1,n+1,-infty)
- vezmime postupnost z Y, najdime prvy zaporny prefixovy sucet (-1), od toho bodu napravo zmenme znamienka, dostavame postupnost z X(n-1,n+1,-infty) (obrazkovy dokaz so schodmi)
- naopak vezmime postupnost z X(n-1,n+1,-infty), najdeme prvy bod, kde je zaporny prefixovy sucet (-1), od toho bodu napravo zmenme znamienka, dostavame postupnost z Y
- tieto dve zobrazenia su navzajom inverzne, preto musi ist o bijekciu
- preto
Connection to FM index (to be covered later in the course)
- Retazec dlzky n nad abecedou velkosti sigma mozeme ulozit pomocou n lg sigma bitov (predpokladajme pre jednoduchost, ze sigma je mocnina 2)
- napr pre binarny retazec potrebuje n bitov
- Sufixove pole na umoznuje rychlo hladat vzorku, ale potrebuje n lg n bitov, pripadne 3 n lg n, co je rychlejsie rastuca funkcia ako n
- sufixove stromy maju tiez Theta(n log n) bitov s vacsou konstantou
- vedeli by sme rychlo vyhladavat vzorku aj s ovela mensim indexom?
- oblast uspornych datovych struktur
Back to FM index
- jednoducha finta na zlepsenie pamate pre rank:
- ulozime si rank len pre niektore i, zvysne dopocitame na zaklade pocitania vyskytov v L (vydelime pamat k, vynasobime cas k)
- rank + L pomocou wavelet tree v n lg sigma + o(n log sigma) bitoch, hladanie vyskytov sa spomali na O(m log sigma)
- ako kompaktnejsie ulozit SA
- mozeme ulozit SA len pre niektore riadky, pre ine sa pomocou LF transformacie dostaneme k najblizsiemu riadku pre ktory mame SA
- let us say we want to print SA[i], but it is not stored, let denote its unknown value x
- L[i] is T[x-1]
- let j = LF[i], j is the row in which SA[j]=x-1
- if SA[j] stored, return SA[j]+1, otherwise continue in the same way
- ako presne ulozit "niektore riadky" ked su nerovnomerne rozmiestnene v SA (rovnomerne v T)?
- samotne L mozeme ulozit aj komprimovane s vhodnymi indexami, vid. clanok od F a M alebo ho mame reprezentovane implicitne vo wavelet tree