Broňa Brejová![]() | associate professor (computer science) | sequence analysis, gene finding, evolution | |
Tomáš Vinař![]() | associate professor (applied informatics) | bioinformatics, algorithms, evolution | |
Mária Lucká![]() | full professor (applied informatics) | parallel computing, optimization, bioinformatics | |
Vlado Boža![]() | assistant professor (applied informatics) | machine learning, bioinformatics | |
Peter Perešíni![]() | independent researcher (applied informatics) | machine learning, bioinformatics | |
Andrej Baláž | PhD student | analysis of phage genomes | |
Askar Gafurov | PhD student | k-mer based analysis | |
Adrián Goga | PhD student | data structures, nanopore data úrocessing | |
Tomáš Jarábek | PhD student | flow cytometry data processing | |
Lukáš Kiss | PhD student | proteome and transcriptome analysis | |
Alessia Petescia | PhD student | pangenome analysis | |
Jozef Sitarčík | PhD student | nanopore data processing | |
Matej Fedor | master student | nanopore data processing | |
Filip Kerák | master student | naural networks | |
Dávid Simeunovič | master student | sequence segmentation | |
Dominika Szabová | master student | gene clusters | |
Dominika Mihálová | master student 2021 | Software for isometric gene tree reconciliation | |
Samuel Molčan | master student 2021 | Modely na monitorovanie chronického ochorenia | |
Veronika Tordová | bachelor student 2021 | Databáza variantov v genóme viniča | |
Tomáš Janeta | bachelor student 2021 | Identifikácia sekvenčných variantov v kontexte neistoty | |
Eduard Batmendijn | master student 2020 | Detection of Tandem Repeats in Nanopore Data | |
Adrián Goga | master student 2020 | Identification of barcodes in nanopore sequencing data | |
Matúš Zeleňák | master student 2020 | Hybrid Genome Assembly | |
Roman Beňo | bachelor student 2020 | Alignment of Nanopore Reads to Graphs | |
Angelika Fedáková | bachelor student 2020 | Využitie reťazcových grafov pri hľadaní chýb v genómoch | |
Andrej Korman | bachelor student 2020 | Data Structures for Selective Sequencing | |
Radoslav Chládek | master student 2019 | Algorithms for isometric gene tree reconciliation | |
Peter Koza | master student 2019 | Infraštruktúra pre bioinformatické webové služby | |
Mário Lipovský | master student 2019 | Solving the Maximum Clique Problem Using Neural Networks | |
Dominika Békesová | bachelor student 2019 | Výpočtová analýza genómu kvasinky Magnusiomyces clavatus | |
Jaroslava Kokavcová | bachelor student 2019 | Vizualizácia chromozomálnych zmien počas evolúcie | |
Samuel Molčan | bachelor student 2019 | Identifikácia a analýza repetitívnych sekvencií v nanopórových dátach | |
Dominika Szabová | bachelor student 2019 | Assembly and Analysis of Complex Gene Clusters | |
Kristína Váryová | bachelor student 2019 | Gene expression analysis in the yeast Candida parapsilosis growing on different substrates | |
Jaroslav Budiš | doctoral student 2018 | Novel Computational Approaches in DNA-Based Clinical Diagnostics | |
Askar Gafurov | master student 2018 | Probabilistic Models for Genome Assembly with Chromatin Interaction Frequencies | |
Matej Krajčovič | master student 2018 | Rekonštrukcia evolučných histórií s duplikáciami pomocou simulovaného žíhania | |
Werner Krampl | master student 2018 | Prediction of Properties of Polymorphic Genomes from Sequencing Data | |
Rastislav Rabatin | master student 2018 | Detecting Modified Bases in MinION Data | |
Dávid Barbora | bachelor student 2018 | Multiple Alignment and Visualization of Nanopore Sequencing Signals | |
Eduard Batmendijn | bachelor student 2018 | Identifikácia variantov v dátach nanopórového sekvenovania | |
Dominik Bujna | bachelor student 2018 | Computational analysis of the genome of fungus Jaminaea angkorensis | |
Vladimír Boža | doctoral student 2017 | Algorithms for high-throughput sequencing data | |
Marcel Schichman | master student 2017 | Oprava chýb v dlhých čítaniach bez použitia zarovnávania | |
Jakub Havelka | bachelor student 2017 | Alignment of Nanopore Sequencing Squiggles | |
Radoslav Chládek | bachelor student 2017 | Vizualizácia evolučných histórií genómov s viacerými chromozómami | |
Mário Lipovský | bachelor student 2017 | Approximate Abundance Histograms and Their Use for Genome Size Estimation | |
Matúš Zeleňák | bachelor student 2017 | Sampling from MinION Reads | |
Ján Hozza | master student 2016 | Rekonštrukcia histórií génových zhlukov | |
Jaroslav Petrucha | bachelor student 2016 | Efektívna reprezentácia množiny krátkych reťazcov | |
Dávid Simeunovič | bachelor student 2016 | Vizualizácia evolučných histórií | |
Rastislav Rabatin | bachelor student 2016 | Alignment of Nanopore Sequencing Reads | |
Peter Koza | bachelor student 2016 | Grafické prostredie na zobrazovanie a editovanie RNA motívov | |
Peter Kuljovský | bachelor student 2016 | Efektívne vyhľadávanie krátkych reťazcov v dlhej sekvencii | |
Michal Nánási | doctoral student 2015 | Decoding of Hidden Markov Models with Applications to Sequence Alignment | |
Marcel Schichman | bachelor student 2015 | Zarovnávanie sekvenovacích dát s vysokým počtom chýb | |
Michal Sabo | master student 2015 | Algorithms for Gene Tree Reconciliation | |
Jakub Jursa | master student 2015 | Dátové štruktúry pre uchovávanie sekvenovacích dát | |
Martina Višňovská | doctoral student 2014 | Alignments on Sequences with Internal Structure | |
Lukáš Bača | master student 2014 | Trénovanie parametrov pre hľadanie génov s využitím externej informácie | |
Soňa Gibaštíková | master student 2014 | Finding Conserved Gene Clusters in Duplicated Genomes | |
Albert Herencsár | master student 2014 | An improved algorithm for ancestral gene order reconstruction | |
Michal Hozza | master student 2014 | Zarovnávanie sekvencií s použitím metód klasifikácie | |
Andrej Ridzik | master student 2014 | Algoritmy na rozpoznávanie neuropeptidov | |
Veronika Ženišová | master student 2014 | Algoritmy na rekonštrukciu genómov pomocou preusporiadania | |
Michal Anderle | bachelor student 2014 | Časovanie udalostí pri inferencii duplikačných histórií | |
Ján Hozza | bachelor student 2014 | Rekonštrukcia duplikačných histórií pomocou pravdepodobnostného modelu | |
Petra Kubincová | bachelor student 2014 | Mapping between Genomes | |
Martin Macko | doctoral student 2012 | Algoritmus pre hľadanie vzdialených funkčných ortológov a jeho aplikácia na OB-fold doménu | |
Pavol Kmeč | master student 2013 | Vykresľovanie RNA motívov | |
Martin Višňovec | master student 2013 | Systém na hľadanie ortológov v príbuzných genómoch | |
Martin Bobák | master student 2013 | Identifikácia variantov génov z dát sekvenovania novej generácie | |
Kubo Kováč | doctoral student 2013 | Algorithms for Genome Rearrangements | |
Peter Kováč | master student 2012 Continued at MicroStep-MIS | Bioinformatics of Sequences with Repetitive Motifs | |
Ladislav Rampášek | master student 2012 Continued as doctoral student University of Toronto | Computational Complexity and Practical Implementation of RNA Motif Search | |
Jakub Kováč | bachelor student 2012 Continued as master student at Comenius University | Kompresia genómu za pomoci skrytých Markovovských modelov | |
Michal Petrucha | bachelor student 2012 Continued as master student at Comenius University | Data Structures for Whole-Genome Alignments | |
Martin Králik | master student 2011 Continued at Facebook | Pravdepodobnostné modely pre alternatívny zostrih génov | |
Martin Kravec | master student 2011 Continued as doctoral student in our group | MCMC algoritmus na rekonštrukciu duplikačných histórií | |
Marcel Kucharík | master student 2011 Continued as doctoral student Universität Wien | A New Algorithm for Using External Information in Gene Finding | |
Jaroslav Budiš | master student 2011 Continued as doctoral student in our group | Discovering motifs in mitochondrial DNA | |
Milan Mikula | bachelor student 2011 Continued as master student at Comenius University | Anotácia zhlukov génov | |
Andrej Ridzik | bachelor student 2011 Continued as master student in our group | Použitie komparatívnej informácie pri hľadaní génov | |
Michal Burger | master student 2010 Continued at Facebook | Atomization of DNA Sequences with Complex Evolutionary History | |
Peter Herman | bachelor student 2010 Continued as master student at Comenius University | Grafické prostredie na editovanie RNA motívov | |
Peter Kováč | bachelor student 2010 Continued as master student in the group | Implementácia externých zdrojov dát v hľadaní génov | |
Juraj Mešťánek | master student 2010 Continued in | Software for Annotation of Protein Coding Genes in Yeast Mitochondrial Genomes | |
Michal Nánási | master student 2010 Continued as doctoral student in our group | Biological sequence annotation with hidden Markov models | |
Ladislav Rampášek | bachelor student 2010 Continued as master student in the group | RNA motif search in genomic sequences | |
Jakub Kováč | master student 2009 Continued as a doctoral student in our group | Gene Finding Using RT-PCR Tests | |
Rastislav Šrámek | master student 2007 Continued as doctoral student ETH Zürich | The On-line Viterbi Algorithm | |